Where are you from?  I was born in Nashville but we moved before kindergarten to Chapel Hill. I consider myself a native of of the area, but not really a southerner. My folks and extended family, both sides, are from Michigan. My father was in Nashville teaching at Vanderbilt when he was asked to come to teach at UNC-Chapel Hill. I grew up a Chapel Hill neighborhood with a very diverse group of families that also had parents working at UNC-Chapel Hill.

What are three words your friends would use to describe you? Friendly, competitive, talkative

Why do you run?  I started running because it was the family activity. My older sister, brother, and I all joined CC Pacers back in the first years of that program. I did lots of other local recreational sports as well, but running was the only thing that we all did together. I found I could be competitive against adults in local races and loved the feeling of accomplishment when I PR’d or got an award.  I continue running today because of the community of runners and the challenge that running continues to be for me. I love that if you really work at it you can get better; well as long as you don’t get hurt that is. Not getting hurt is harder as you get older- no fair!

Why did you decide to join the Station Pub Run? Because of Steph, she rocks! I joined the first Fleet Feet running group back in the early 2000’s and made great friends there. After that I was hooked on the community runs. It wasn’t until Steph came along to orchestrate the runs that it truly exemplified the term “community run.” The fun activities, the prizes, post-run gathering, all the amazing runners, and her inspirational - “tally-ho” are why I keep coming back.

What is your favorite thing about the Station Pub Run? I have a few favorite things: 1) Runners of any ability feel welcome to join us 2) I know every week I will see my wonderful running friends 3) It keeps me accountable for getting out and running. I know someone will ask me where I was if I don’t show up

Describe the most recent (appropriate ☺) photo you took with your phone:  I took a photo last night of my son on stage during his first high school performance. He was Tom in The Great Gatsby.  It was an intense part with lots of dialogue and he did amazing. I’m a proud mom.

What is the best piece of advice you ever received, and who gave it to you?  I don’t know about best advice, but I remember at a young age my older brother and I would play crazy competitive games together and if I tried to quit he would call me a quitter.  Somehow that was the worst insult and a huge motivator.

If you could have any talent or skill in the entire world, without needing to practice and money was no limitation, what would it be?  If it could be superpower, then teleportation- I’m very impatient and love idea of getting places instantly. Plus, I love to travel. So if not a superpower, then a wonderful signing voice- think Halsey (love) not Mariah Carey (dislike).

Tell us something about yourself that not many people know:  That’s hard as I noted earlier I’m talkative and I have been with this group forever. I volunteer with Habitat for Humanity whenever I can. I recently took a half-day off work to help with the Orange County Senior Living Project. This is the first senior living community by Habitat ever, hopefully it will be replicated across the country.

What is something you have done recently, or are about to do, that you are proud of?  I’m a very community conscience people and recently created a nonprofit giving group for women that supports local charities. It’s called 100 Women Who Give Hoot and we meet quarterly to listen to 3 nonprofits and then award around $10k.

Please share your favorite quote or slogan: Only one that comes to mind is “Shake it off, shake it off” it can be used in so many contexts- before you give a presentation, while running a race, when you feel judged by others, or when things don’t go as planned.

Anything else you’d like to share with us?!  I love television shows, mystery/action/romance books, at least one meal a day for me must have meat, life is better with pets, and my favorite place would be somewhere I could be in a hammock listening to the sound of gentle waves but at the same time surrounded by mountainous landscapes.